Throughout his Word, God has given us a treasury of instructions on the global mission of the church–what it is and how to approach being a light in faithfulness and joyful confidence. 

children singing in church choir

We welcome a wide variety of professional and amateur guest musicians to share their talents at Church in the Forest. We offer a variety of styles, instruments, and voices, consistently celebrating the talents of musicians and the power of music to move and inspire.

Gold Cross

Music has a profound ability to touch our hearts and souls, enriching our lives in ways that words alone cannot. In the context of faith, music becomes a divine gift, uplifting our spirits, fostering a sense of community, and deepening our connection to the divine.

Greg Harrold organ
men playing music in church

“I play the notes as they are written, but it is God who makes the music.” – attributed to J. S. Bach, 1685-1750

When you walk into Church in the Forest you enter a space that invites you to reflect and open up your senses. Music on Sunday mornings adds another dimension to the experience of coming into God’s presence. Music at Church in the Forest sparks our imaginations and encourages us to listen for God’s voice.

Beginning with a 15-minute prelude leads us into worship. Each Sunday’s music is planned to match the Biblical reading and focus for that day. We listen to soloists and ensembles and we sing hymns together from a variety of cultures in the Christian tradition.

Church in the Forest is beautifully suited for music with its excellent acoustics and fine musical instruments. Of particular importance is the Greg Harrold, Opus 12 organ built and installed in 1992. This baroque instrument is perfectly sited high in the rear balcony. The traditional wine-glass shaped cabinet is made of mahogany. Pipe work is of wood and tin alloys; the exposed front metal pipes are gilded, polished and embossed. The wonderful acoustics of Erdman Chapel enhance the tonality of this exceptional instrument. In addition, Church in the Forest acquired a Steinway Model B Grand Piano in 1995 to complement its wonderful music program.

Gold Cross

In 2022 the Dr. Joe Verska Memorial Music Fund was created to provide funding for Church in the Forest music ministry.

This fund will allow young musicians to be invited to participate in weekly worship, premier CitF community concerts and sustain stellar music programs. It was Joe’s love of music and passion for mentoring individuals that led to the establishment of the fund. He was fond of quoting: “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to one’s imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato