“Light in the Forest” our stunning chapel is reflective of our mission – simplicity, inclusivity, beauty & light. The work of the church happens collaboratively.
This Sunday: The Rev. Ken Feske
“Which Comes First: Grace or Repentence?“
Bible Study Leader: The Rev. Ken Feske
Bible Study Topic: Luke 15 (Selected Verses)
Bible Passages: 2 Corinthians 5: 16-21; Psalm 32: 1-2, 8-11; Luke 15 (Selected Verses)
Lector: Lloyd Nattkemper
Crucifer: Will Jansma
Ushers: David Nee and Gerry Williams
Fellowship: Marge Moore and Rae Janzen
Flowers: Church in the Forest
9:45 a.m.
Suite No. 3 in G Major for Solo Cello……….J. S. Bach
Bourrée I / II
Janneke Hoogland, Cello
What Wondrous Love Is This?……….Walker’s Southern Harmony, arr. Lynda Poston-Smith
Jubal Joslyn, tenor
Janneke Hoogland, cello
O World, Now I Must Leave You, Op. 122, No. 11………..Johannes Brahms
During Lent, introspective and contemplative postludes continue with “O World, Now I Must Leave You,” the final piece in the last collection of music composed by Johannes Brahms.
Happy Birthday, Bach, born March 31, 1685, and celebrated today with one of his six transcendent cello suites. Thank you to Janneke Hoogland for bringing this exquisite music to life.
Our closing hymn, “Fairest Lord Jesus,” is one of my favorites. The hymn was found in a Jesuit manuscript in Münster, Westphalia, Germany, dated 1662. On a personal note, I connect this hymn with the year I lived in Münster as a student. Composer Richard Storrs Willis (of “Midnight Clear” fame) introduced the tune in America. It was originally named ST. ELIZABETH, but in his collection Church Chorals and Choir Studies, he renamed it CRUSADERS’ HYMN. Not long after this, Hungarian composer Franz Liszt borrowed CRUSADERS’ HYMN for the “Crusader’s March” theme in an oratorio, The Legend of St. Elizabeth. German, English, or Hungarian, this hymn has stood the test of time, appearing in more than 500 hymnals in the last 300 years.
–Notes are based in part on “History of Hymns” by
Hannah Cruse in Discipleship Ministries, umcdiscipleship.org.
The Rev. Ken Feske
I remember my first day of economics class in high school. Numbers and equations, graphs and charts all most exhilarating. I gleaned that there exists a “supply” of goods to be sold and a “demand” for them to be bought, and a good’s price depends on where this supply and demand meet. As the demand increases, so does its price. As supply increases, the price of the object decreases.
Early in his book, The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer rails against what he calls cheap grace. For Bonhoeffer, cheap grace is the disease by which the Christian comes to rest on their laurels. Cheap grace produces no change of life, no growth, no discipleship. On the other end of the scale is costly grace. This is grace that changes something. Costly grace is precious. Costly grace is eight juicy Granny Smith apples when everyone wants to bake a pie.
This week, in the midst of our Lenten journey, we have the opportunity to celebrate grace that is prodigal. Prodigal grace is neither cheap nor costly but rather hyper-abundant. From the Magnificat to the breaking of bread in Emmaus, Luke announces that Jesus brings the world into God’s economy. This economy is not bound by the earthly laws of supply and demand. God’s economy is one of grace. God enthusiastically showers us with grace upon grace. Yet, in God’s world, that which is abundant remains extremely valuable, a precious gift.
Prodigal grace forgives and restores. God reconciles us to God’s Self, and to each other, and we are called to do the same. Forgiveness flows from God’s infinite and unconditional grace. Prodigal grace is priceless, lavished on those who can’t afford it. Prodigal grace even forgives the bad joke in the midst of an essay. How do you like dem apples?
See you in worship,
Small Groups
These are gatherings where CitF members and friends can explore faith and deepen fellowship.
Small Group Bible Study
The Sunday Small Group Bible Study meets each Sunday Morning at 9:00 am in the Multipurpose Room, where the topic is the sermon Bible lesson of the day.
Men’s Small Group Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study is held Thursdays 10:30 a.m. on Zoom only. We are studying John’s gospel.
For more information contact Bob Axley at rjaxley@icloud.com
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s insight on Faith will meet on Thursday, April 17th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Mia Jarick’s home. Anyone is interested in joining can contact Mia Jarick at 831-917-3202 or miajarick1@yahoo.com.